Urban Islander Is Co-Hosting
Go Out Jamboree 2016
15-17 April 2016 at Mt. Fuji Campsite
Go Out Jamboree is Japan’s biggest camp-music festival hosted by Go Out Magazine. More than 7,000 visitors come out with his/her tent and meet new experience provided by brands, artists, and athletes.
Visitor Profile
Urban Islander Brand Camp
We are setting up Brand Camp in given 7 x 7m booth area inside “Brand Avenue” forming the main street where visitors come and go between main stage and individual campzone or car park.
- Tent: Outwell Tennessee 5
- Brand Flag
- enevu CUBE lighting: all 4 corners and entrance
Panorama Room
- Folding Table #1: covered with cloth used for small product display, flyers, and iPad registration
- Folding Table #2: covered with cloth used as discussion counters
- Camp Kitchen
- 2 x enevu CUBE hanged as spotlight at kitchen and at table
- 1 x enevu CUBE placed as candle light on table
Living Room
- Carpet: TBA, temporarily Logos 3 x 3m thermo carpet
- Furnitures: TBA – select Outwell Furniture, 2 chairs and table, or cot and shelves
- Magazine Bracket: catalogues of brands
- 1 x enevu CUBE hanged as spot light
- 1 x enevu CUBE placed as lantern/colour light
Bedroom A:
- Inflatable pad coverd with sheet
- Sleeping bag
- Cushion
- 1 x enevu CUBE lighting
Bedroom B:
- Used as storage
Experienced camper in variety of situations and fly fishing angler[/image_with_text]
Attending visitors/customers
Free admission to the festival granted[/image_with_text]
Attending visitors/customers
Free admission to the festival granted[/image_with_text]
Attending visitors/customers
Free admission to the festival granted[/image_with_text]
- Booking Go Out Jamboree for Urban Islander – DONE
- Discussion with brands: enevu, Fender Japan
- Discussion with brands: Outwell (waiting for response)
- Attending orientation on 14 March
- Packing in Volvo V70
- Packing in second car (if any)
- Shipping via Sagawa – Go Out is only allowing Sagawa as courier company
- Must arrive in AM of 13 April at: 〒418-0109 静岡県富士宮市麓156 ふもとっぱら気付 アーバンアイランダー吉田宛、 電話:0544-52-2112
- Make sure to write “Urban Islander” on all 4 corners of box, otherwise take time to find one out of pile
Setting In
Friday 15 April
- Gate opens at 10:00, core time until 13:00, somewhat movable until 22:00
- Drive all the way to where booth is and unload everything
- Park Volvo/second car in staff car park
- Pick up shipment from main office
- Pitch tent
- Set up interior and exterior
Setting Out
Sunday 17 April
- Set out begins at 16:00 onward
- Pack everything for shipping
- Temporary pick up location to be set up in campsite
- Dissemble tent and furnitures
- Pack up items
- Wait until road clears and drive Volvo
- Pack into Volvo and leave the venue